
Unified Voice Collaboration

Conferencing, Calling Card, Call Center & Business Support

Cross-border commercial communication that works. International Bridging Service (IBS) provides bridging services to link enterprises to any international site or conference bridge. Our IBS enables you to connect your employees to foreign locations even if their phones lack ISD functionality.

Products We Service

Global SIP

To provide enterprise customers with global connectivity alternatives in some nations....
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Teams Integration

Microsoft Teams is a platform for unified communications that the company provides....
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International Toll Free Number

To satisfy your demands internationally, Tata Communications offers you a full range....
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Universal Toll Free Number

Service with a single toll-free line for clients looking for a UIFN that covers more than....
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Omni Channel Solutions

Tata Tele Business Services, a B2B technology company focused on connectivity and the....
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Other Services

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